Saturday, 24 March 2018


 A timely reflection on Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, which always moves me.

Aghast He watched as at His feet,
The ground decayed away,
And slimy fell there crumbling earth,
The pit of all dismay.

Aghast He fell upon His knees,
In danger then to slide, 
Into the hopeless, no - escape,
The turmoil of the died.

Aghast He heard the plaintive pleas,
The newer, rent with awe;
The older, fainter, no less dire,
Arose from Hades' maw. 

Aghast the cross before Him stood, 
And He in darkness, blind, 
Was judged, sent forth, and bled of light, 
And left kind life behind. 

Aghast He saw himself slip in, 
No clutching, to undo;
His blood made slide His entry to,
All hell for me and you.

Aghast He heard the father's words,
'Condemned with no parole'.
And watched as pierced, rejected, He, 
Became a now - damned soul.

Aghast He wept as sobs arose, 
Unbidden from within. 
In disbelief, His flesh corrupt, 
Became all human sin. 

Aghast the words could hardly form, 
The pleas were choked with pain:
'Oh Father, if it might be so, 
Spare me this stinking drain.' 

Aghast He bowed His crown-less head, 
And groaned, 'so let it be. 
This is the mouth of very hell, 
And this the way for me.'

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